Call for Donations: Support a fight for the future!

For the past six months, we have been selecting films that address the major issues of our time. Films that make us think, inspire, shock, and give hope. Among them, the film that will open the festival: A Song for My Land by Mauricio Albornoz Iniesta.

This documentary tells the story of Ramiro Lezcano, a music teacher in a rural school where students are exposed to toxic pesticide spraying. Refusing to stay silent, Ramiro composes a song with his students and creates a movement to raise awareness in society, a true environmental Woodstock. These are ordinary heroes who, through their courage, are changing the world.

We want to invite Ramiro and the director to share their story with us. But for that, we need your help. With a contribution starting from 5 euros, you can help fund their travel and accommodation, totaling 3,600€. In return, they will be our special guests, and a special meeting will be organized for you to hear them speak and be inspired by their fight.

Their presence will have a unique impact: Ramiro will be able to share his story in person, showing that his fight resonates beyond his community. This is an opportunity to support a universal cause and remind us all that hope exists, even in a world marked by crises.

Every contribution, no matter how small, is a step toward tangible change. By acting, you show that each of us can make a difference.

How to contribute?

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Our association is accredited as a cultural institution for the years 2024 and 2025. This means that donations made during this period provide tax benefits to our donors.

If you have any questions, please contact us at



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