From 09.05 to 26.05, live on Facebook, let’s think together about the major challenges of our time!
We unveil the FIRST 5 STUDIOS :
Sunday 09.05
Disability: how to accept your limits and live with your differences ?
Film : Maddy The Model
Speakers :
Monique Lenoble and Bouzouk – Comedian/Director and fashion make-up artist
Sarah Moon Howe – Filmmaker
Noémie Castro – Psychologist
Monday 10.05
s plastic recycling the way to a new economy ?
Film : The Story of Plastic
Speakers :
Barbara Trachte – Secrétaire d’Etat à la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale
Dorothée Moisan – Journalist
Muriel Bernard – Efarmz founder and CEO
Wednesday 12.05
Respect for human rights: are Europe and Belgium really exemplary ?
Film : Dying to divorce
Speakers :
Tulin Ozdemir – Filmmaker
Marie Arena – European deputy
Sunday 16.05
Changes in the world of work: between rebellion and reconversion
Film : On va tout péter
Speakers :
Odile Allard – Producer
Lech Kowalski – Filmmaker
: 17.05
China’s economic presence in Africa: a threat to local biodiversity?
Film : Stolen Fish
Speakers :
Nicolas Van Nuffel
Meryam Kitir ? non-confirmé
Vincent Delhauteur (Sea Shepperd contacté)
School of future : 19.05
Film : Hey ! Teachers !
Speakers :
Julien Nicaise (non confirmé)
Glatigny (non-confirmé)
Sophie Mazet (non-confirmé)
Alice Romainville (non-confirmé)