17-18 May

Internationaal forum

Prize: 2.500 €

The best project will win the Studion Charbon prize worth in service.

For the past 3 years, the Millenium Festival has supported internaitonal co-production to stimulate partnerships with foreign produtions. Projects that have been supported by the Millenium Festival have won prizes in festivals and some internationally!

This year, the Millenium Festival in partnership with Docmonde (France), APACH asbl (Belgium), Fondation MWEM (Haiti) and Wallonies-Bruxelles international is pleaswed to invite you to the International Forum 2021, to discover 6 documentary film projects coming from Hait / French Guyana /Burkina Fas / Guinea.

These projects, which are at different stages of production have received funding and are seeking Belgian parterns.

Selected Projects


The HAITIDOCS programme, an initiative of Wallonie-Bruxelles International, was launched in Haiti in early 2019. Coordinated by APACH asbl (Belgium), in collaboration with Docmonde (France), and the MWEM Foundation (Haïti), the programme works on the revival of the audiovisuel sector in Haiti through documentary film, through location scouting grants and training in writing and training in writing and prodcution by Haitian and Belgian supervisors.

APACH asbl

The Ateliers APACH asbl are a production tool designed to enable students of the HELB – Haute Ecole Libre de Bruxelles, film section – to produce, in a spirit of cooperation, end-of-study exercices and films under optimum conditions of fairness, security and legality.

APACH asbl offer to students various services that revolve around four poles : production, management, communication and financing.

Recognised by the Centre du Cinéma and de l’Audivisuel of la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles as a school workshop, APACH asbl receives a sbsidy for the production and distribution of their graduation films.

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Docmonde supports documentary filmmakers at every stage : writing, finding producers and distribution.

Training programmes and international co-production meetings have been set up in 6 regions of the world: Africa, Eurasia, South-East Asia, the Amazon-Caribbean zone, the Pacific zone and the Indian Ocean.

The political challenge is to encourage the emergence of authors’ views on their societies, to professionalise directors and producers by structuring local production channels in sustainable way whtin a global network.

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You are producer, distributor, … and you wish to participate in our Forum or simply have more information?

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