The border between Paraguay and Brazil has become a green desert. This is the birthplace of the Soya Republic, the cradle of the global agribusiness. The horizon is an endless crop line, uniting past and present. Focusing on the assassination of more than 1500 environmentalists and land defenders in Latin America since 2012, Green is the New Red looks for the roots of this violence by analysing Operation Condor. This “multinational of repression” in the 70s meant impunity and land grabbing, laying the foundations for today’s Soya Republic.
“Recalde Miranda a aussi le courage de ne jamais édulcorer la vérité.” – Cineuropa
“Green Is the New Red équilibre son aspect éducatif avec une narration personnelle, suggérant ainsi que les humains sont à la fois le plus grand atout et l’élément le plus fragile de tout mouvement de résistance.” – Cineuropa
IDFA International Competition, 2024, World premiere
Director's Biography
Anna Recalde Miranda is an Italian-Paraguayan director. Graduate of the University of Bologna in Media Sociology, she has produced and directed four feature-length documentaries that have taken part in many festivals in France and abroad, winning numerous awards. Following on from her previous films “La tierra sin mal” (2009) and “Power and impotence, a drama in 3 acts” (2014); “Green is the new red” is the third part of a trilogy of documentaries on history in the making.