In the film, we see an artist whose body becomes her co-star on stage. Bénédicte Davin’s vocal, gestural, and graphic performances offer a creative response to a lack, a void that she transforms into a resource, a crucible for a new source of life that she acts out on stage. In constant search of herself, Bénédicte Davin invents rituals of rebirth.
“Comment lire des partitions futuristes ou dadaïstes qui ressemblent plus à des œuvres plastiques qu’à des notations musicales ? Comment chanter des textes littéraires dépourvus de toute allusion au moindre son ?” – Nadine Plateau
Director's Biography
Violaine de Villers’ work takes us freely from one universe to another: from the sculptor’s or painter’s studio to bitter memories of the Nazi deportation, from the sublime blandness of Marguerite Duras to the warmth of the group Zap Mama, and to the Rwandan genocide…
Graham Riach is a Director, Cinematographer, Editor. He holds a PhD in English Literature and a master in Practical Documentary Filmmaking. Graham is winner of the Royal Historical Society Online Resources Prize and the Integration UK Champion Award for work on migration history.